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MUA – Architecture & Placemaking


Multiverse Architecture’s latest work is Fabrika. That speaks more about them than any of the written texts. When composing Fabrika’s project they had not only purely architectural vision for the new life of a former Soviet sewing factory but they also formed philosophy of this unique place. Being co-founders of Fabrika, they accumulated the synergy that fulfills this space and will continue to develop independently and change all the time itself.

MUA unites a group of young architects led by Gogi Sakhvarelidze and Devi Kituashvili. They all love taking challenge, are mostly interested in urban architecture and have both local and international experience.

MUA is establishing new trends, loves experiments and forms a team of real perfectionists.

Everyone is looking forward for their upcoming projects because as in case with Fabrika  we, as the society, benefit from their ideas the most.
