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CES – Creative Education Studio

Artist Studio , Other

One day CES and their graduates will rule Tbilisi’s creative scene. Do not even ask why.

Founded by an electronic music composer with a serious classical background Nastia Sartania, Creative Education Studio is a place which proves that it is never too late to learn something new. They prove it by more than 900 students who have already attended various courses here and lot of them did it either after their working hours or after their main university courses.

People at any age discovering passion to design, audio or video media, music making or photography can get here all they will need to proceed with their new path of life from already established professionals.

CES provides students with skills and knowledge claiming that more than 70% of their hard-working student find job in creative industries, such as design, audio and film directing, editing and music composition.

Having Creative Education Studio at Fabrika means that the most talented, ingenious, skilled and fascinating people in the town are all accumulated here.
