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Yuri Segalerba – The Nuclear City

By Art Up - Street Gallery

05.08 - 19.08.2020

Starts At


Ends At


We are happy to host from August 5, Art | Up – Street Gallery and F-Orma Network’s first joint exhibition in Georgia, a project by Genoese photographer Yuri Segalerba entitled “The Nuclear City”. The works will be exhibited in Fabrika courtyard – exhibition spaces of Art | Up – Street Gallery.

Cooked by the sun and abandoned by Russians, who built it up to host the workers of the only (unfinished) nuclear power plant in Cuba, this soviet city is now inhabited and reinterpreted by the Cubans who arrived here from every side of the island. These persons gave up all their old lives, left their cities and their houses, went to Russia, and learned Russian and nuclear physics with the dream and the expectation to be part of what was called “la Obra del Siglo” -the work of the century-. Then the soviet union collapsed, the project was suspended, Russians went back to their country, Cubans with a good education were moved to La Havana, Varadero and Moa, but the others are still here, in an unfinished city, close to the ghost of the reactor.


Yuri Segalerba, a Genoese transferred in Berlin, dragged from his passion for abandoned industrial areas, has been working in photography since 2009. The interest in architecture, industrial archeology, sociology, and cultural minorities gives him the inspiration to choose the objectives of his trips, during which he ventures to the most hidden places on the planet documenting different social situations. for more information about Yuri’s work, please visit his official website www.yurisegalerba.com

Art | Up – Street Gallery is a digital art development movement creating an alternative, non-traditional space of exhibitions worldwide. The concept of Art | Up – Street Gallery is to introduce printed digital art by using Art Boxes installed in open spaces and streets, absolutely free and accessible for everyone.
