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Strong Soft Supple: Yoga for the Shoulders & Neck


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Are your neck and shoulders aching from burdens of work/school/your relationships?

We use the phrase ‘shoulder the burden’ to refer to taking on a responsibility.
And often indeed it can feel like we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders
Shoulder mobility is important both from a strengthening and stretching perspective. We need strength to help support the joint and decrease the risk of injury. We also need the flexibility to maintain a pain-free range of motion.
Poor sitting posture combined with long periods glued to our phones can cause chronic neck & shoulder pain.

Strong, Soft, Supple is a movement masterclass that breaks down the fundamentals of basic yoga asanas using a progressive 3-step approach to movement. Drawing from the principles of Human Anatomy, Taichi & Yoga, you will be guided through an intelligently-sequenced flow that guides you to harmonise effort and ease throughout your body.
You will move deeply within your body, re-exploring your shoulder girdle, rotator cuff muscles, trapezius muscle & neck muscles, creating more space for awareness, openness in the upper body, releasing tension and weight in the shoulders and neck.
Join us to roll, spread and soften your shoulders to a calmer, relaxed you.
Guests of Fabrika:
Pre-Registration is necessary, please enter your exclusive code before check-out to register so we can save a spot for you.
