Magnum Retold
@Black Dog Shop
Starts At
Ends At
October, 22 at 7pm. Black Dog shop / Fabrika (8, E.Ninoshvili str.) is happy to invite you to a presentation of a photo album dedicated to Magnum Photos 70th. anniversary “Russian Journal Revisited”.
The album represents a journey of a reknowned war photographer Thomas Dworzak (Magnum Photos President) and a journalist Julius Strauss which actually repeats Robert Capa’s and John Steinbeck’s visit of the Soviet Union.
TBC Gallery has hosted an exhibition of Dworzak’s photographs and with a design-idea of Zango Studio there was published an album.
MAGNUM PHOTOS and TBC Bank’ joint project is dedicated to MAGNUM PHOTOS 70th anniversary. The project was supported by IDS Borjomi Georgia.
Project director Eka Enukidze.
Album design Manana Arabuli / Zango Studio
Also, October, 22 is Robert Capas’ birthday, so you have a great chance to buy the album for a special price, meet with people who have worked on this great project and watch a TBC bank short movie about Dworzak’s and Strausse’s journey and work following Capa and Steinbeck almost step by step.
Besides, we are going to hold an auction selling only five copies of the album with Thomas Dworzak’s authographs.
Free admission.