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Kyrgyz Feminism Evening in Tbilisi


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These three incredible young women are the pride of Kyrgyzstan. They reached an extraordinary success in their respective areas and inspire all the other women in the country to follow their bravery and independence.

And now they all are coming to Tbilisi and want to share their stories with you!

👇Here who they are👇

Zere Asylbek is a singer. Recently she released a video of her song “Kyz” (“Girl”), a feminist manifesto that made her famous all around the country and sparked enormous debates in the society. Zere is not giving up and suddenly found herself being a role model for thousands of Kyrgyz (and not only Kyrgyz) young women.

Alina Anisimova is an engineer. She is part of the group of young women who are building the first satellite of Kyrgyzstan. Yes, Kyrgyzstan has not had any satellites yet, but will have one soon, and will become the first country of the world, whose first satellite will have been built by an all-female team.

Aidai Erkebaeva is a journalist. She contributes to Kloop, a Kyrgyz media outlet famous for having very young authors. Aidai started as a news reporter, but then switched to working on feature stories and investigations. She was part of the team that published Samaragate, the very famous Kloop investigation about fraud at the presidential elections in Kyrgyzstan in 2017.

📣📣📣Do you want to listen to their amazing stories and have a conversation afterwards? Then join us at Impact Hub Tbilisi.

Working language: English
