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@CES: World Composition Workshop Series with Ben Wheeler – Part 3


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Ends At


Ben Wheeler, ethnomusicologist, experimental musician, and co-founder of Mountains of Tongues, in collaboration with Creative Education Studio, presents a three-part workshop series merging the study of music traditions around the world with unique and creative strategies for composition/song writing.
Participants will be exposed to wide variety of musical systems and cultures through ethnographic recordings, films, and hands on demonstrations and be given an introduction into using these new sounds, theories, and practices to create their own methods of composition.

Date: 05.05.2018
Time: 17:00

Caucasus All Frequency: Local Traditions as Creative Inspiration
Through recordings, films, and anecdotes from conducting field work across the Caucasus, the final workshop will attempt to present the music of the Caucasus in a new light, not as ancient traditions set in stone but as potential source material for new and exciting music. Folk musics of the Caucasus are often given a static representation, presented as a form of unchanging cultural heritage. As a result, they are perceived as fixed forms by younger generations who subsequently leave them up on the shelf. But if we examine these traditions in a different light, as distinctive and complex musical systems, they have the potential to influence a new generation of creative composers/musicians.
A few examples include:
• Instrumental music from rural Georgia
• The music of the North Caucasus (Dagestan, Chechnya, Kabardino Balkaria)
• Azeri wedding guitarists
• Yezidi Zurna music


The workshop series is open to absolutely everyone but will be of particular benefit to students of CES, instrumentalists interested in expanding their playing, those working with Ableton live and other DAWs to provide music for clubs, and experimental musicians wishing to broaden their influences.

Participants must register to attend the workshops.
Please send the info to info@ces.ge – name/surname/subject/contact number.

Working language – English with Georgian translation.

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