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CES Open Day (Modular Synth & Sound Design)


Starts At


Ends At


On the 21st of March, CES  will hold an open day for Modular Synth enthusiasts.

Ben Wheeler will present two programs:

16:30 Modular Synth & Sound Design (for the beginners)

17:30 ADVANCED SYNTHESIS: THEORY AND COMPOSITION (for graduates of the 101 course and/or for those familiar with basics of synthesis theory, modular systems, and the history of synthesizers)

Both programs will be held in the English Language.

If you like to attend please register, write to us your name and contact number.

8 Ninoshvili Street
2 477 588

about the courses:

Modular Synth & Sound Design is a three-month theoretical/practical course
about Synthesis and Synthesizers based on traditional and modular synthesizers (specifically the Doepfer System-100). The majority of the course is dedicated to the study of the principles of subtractive synthesis and modular synthesis

During the course, students will learn the basic building blocks of synthesis, their application, the basic technical and psycho-acoustic principles of sound design, sound creation, and receive an overview of the process of working with electronic instruments and modular synthesizers.

During the course we will also discuss the history of synthesis and historically important synthesizers, get acquainted with modern synthesizers, discuss different synthesis methods (adiabatic, FM synthesis, granular synthesis, cross-modulation synthesis, etc.), and learn about emerging global trends in modular communities, including DIY rigs, circuit bending, and hackspaces.

We will also look at some of the tools that are currently available for those who wish to work with synthesis: Doepfer System-100 (Modular System), Veromona synthesizer, Moog Grandmother, Arturia Minibrute, Buchla Music Easel, PocketPiano, Korg Ms-20, Roland Tr-8, Moog MF-101 filter, Korg Microkorg, Microkorg XL, etc.

The training consists of both physical synthesizers and the base of Ableton Analog and VCV Rack (modular software).

Students will have the opportunity to learn about the Dopfer A-100 BS2 modular synthesizer at CES studio.
