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CES Pop Up Course Max/MSP/Jitter Open Day with Nikoloz Kapanadze






21 თებერვალს 19:00 საათზე Creative Education Studio  წარმოგიდგენთ ნიკოლოზ კაპანაძის პროგრამის “Visuals in Map/MSP-Jitter” ღია კარის დღეს.
კურსი მოიცავს 10 შეხვედრას.
კურსზე დამსწრეთა ადგილები შეზღუდულია.

მსურველებმა გაიარეთ რეგისტრაცია.
რეგისტრაციის გასავლელად მისწერეთ CES-ს სახელი/გვარი/პროგრამის დასახელება/საკონტაქტო ნომერი მეილზე info@ces.ge


კურსის აღწერა ხელმისაწვდომიაინგლისურ ენაზე:

Visuals in Max/MSP – Jitter

This Max/MSP – Jitter course consists of theoretical and practical parts. Its main objective is to familiarize students with the visual workflow in the Jitter environment. The main focus of the course will be on the technical aspects of the software, but in its duration we will discuss some aspects of New Media with the aim of contextualizing our work. Depending on the number of participants we will work on group or individual projects. The target audience for this course are people interested in VJ-ing, Interactive Installation, Moving Image, Generative Visuals and Custom Video Effects.

The course “Visuals in Max/MSP – Jitter” is intended for one month (10 meetings) and will touch upon several topics:

• Introduction to Max/MSP + Jitter
• Introduction to generative visuals
• MIDI, audio control
• Introduction to GEN programming language
• Introduction to openGL in Jitter
• Advanced openGL topics
• Shaders
• Projection Mapping
• Javascript (if time allows)
• Individual/group work

In addition to these technical topics we will read and discuss some texts relevant to this field.

The concluding stage of the Course will be dedicated to project work (installation, visual performance) Students will demonstrate the skills they learnt and participate in a small exhibition.

Students will be expected to work on homework and prepare texts.

Introduction to Max/MSP + Jitter
• Introduction to the Max environment
• Navigating the programm
• Basics of working with video
• Matrices, Planes, jit.* objects
Introduction to generative visuals
• Jit.bfg – working with random noise
• Jit.mo – visual synthesis basics
MIDI, audio control
• Controlling a patcher with MIDI
• Audio-reactive principles
Introduction to GEN programming language
• Jit.gen – per-pixel operations
• Generative geometries
• Creating images from functions
Introduction to openGL in Jitter
• Basic principles of openGL – rendering, context
• Working with 3D in Jitter
Advanced openGL topics
• Textures
• Lighting
• Hierarchies
• Custom shaders
• Jit.gl.pix – GEN, codebox
• Jit.gl.slab – GLSL
Projection Mapping
• Projection mapping inside max
• Jit.gl.cornerpin
• Spout/Syphon + Resolume integration
Javascript (if time allows)
• Advanced scripting topics
Individual/group work
• Work/Help with individual/group projects
• Some interactive topics (Hardware integrations, Serial communication)
• Presentation of projects
