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ADO Theatre-Collective Performance: STOP

ADO Theatre-Collective






25 ივნისს 20:00 საათზე DIVExFabrika-ში “ADO Theatre-Collective” წარმოგიდგენთ პერფორმანსს “STOP”.

“ADO Theatre-Collective”-ის შესახებ:
“ADO Theatre-Collective” არის პირველი დამოუკიდებელი თეატრი აზერბაიჯანში. შექმნა 2013 წელს ელმინ ებდალოვის მიერ და წარმოადგენს უნიკალურ სცენას თანამედროვე ხელოვნებისთვის აზერბაიჯანში.

დამატებითი ინფორმაცია, ხელმისაწვდომია ინგლისურ ენაზე:

Proposing new forms and exploring new formats in performing arts, “ADO Theatre – Collective” is an exclusive place for artistic experiments and innovation.
Initially named “ODA Theatre”, the structure proposed a repertoire of contemporary plays in Azerbaijani. In 2015, “ODA Theatre” became “ADO Theatre-Collective”, focused on creation of alternative performances, mostly without text and words, aiming to break the rules of standard plays and classical practices in living arts.

“ADO” organizes tours of its performances in Azerbaijan and abroad:
August 2015 – International Street Theatre Festival in Aurillac, France
June 2016 – Tour in Georgia, Tbilisi (Movement Theatre…)

About the performance:
They could be from the same family, brother, mother and sisters, they could be the Queen and her courtiers. That’s the madness, the chaotic injustice of this world which are shown in this performance with touches of burlesque and accents of tragic buffoonery. What happens when one person, different from the others, from the masses, suddenly wakes up, stands up and…?

Elgun Hemidov, Aytan Aliyeva, Elsa Furtado, Iskra Tarrant, Zaur Hajizada

Author and stage director:
Elmin Badalov

Set designer:
Leyla Quliyeva

To get more information about “ADO Theatre-Collective”:
