xaraxura is one of the participants of the Fabrika Book Fair, and on September 21, as part of the fair, they will hold a workshop titled *The Library in the Far Future: Zines Workshop.*
Daily companions made of bound or even single pages—when we hear the word ‘book,’ a physical object immediately comes to mind. In the age of digital technology, non-physical variations of books are easy to imagine. However, xaraxura invites us to explore different kinds of books:
*Imagine the library in the far future. What kind of space is it? Is it even a room? What do the shelves look like, and what’s on them? What form do the books take? Who writes them? How are they categorized by genre? Are there books made up entirely of random excerpts from other texts taken out of context? Could there be books you could read endlessly, or ones that speak directly to you? What is your favorite upcoming book that hasn’t been written yet? If you were to write a book about the future, what would it be about?*
During the workshop, participants will learn about zines, explore different examples, and create their own one-page contribution on the theme of *The Library in the Far Future.*
Spaces for the workshop are limited, so be sure to arrive early.
P.S. You’ll also be able to buy xaraxura products at their stand during the market.