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Talk: Magnum Photographer – Gueorgui Pinkhassov


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We are excited to announce that Fabrika hosts MAGNUM Photographer Gueorgui Pinkhassov on May 1, 19:00.

Mr. Pinkhassov will share his experience as a photographer. The meeting will be followed by Q&A format.

Time: 19:30
Location: Jungle Room, Fabrika Tbilisi
Language: Russian, with translation into Georgian
Free to attend

About Gueorgui Pinkhassov:
Gueorgui Pinkhassov’s interest in photography began while he was still at school. After studying cinematography at the VGIK (The Moscow Institute of Cinematography), he went on to work at the Mosfilm studio and then as a set photographer. In 1978 Pinkhassov joined the Moscow Union of Graphic Arts as an independent artist. The same year, film director Andrei Tarkovsky invited him to photograph the set of his film Stalker.
In 1985 Pinkhassov moved to Paris. He joined Magnum Photos in 1988 and began working with the international press, particularly with Geo, Actuel and The New York Times. However, his primary interest does not lie in covering major events. Gueorgui Pinkhassov likes to explore singular details through reflections and particular kinds of light which often approach abstraction.
